Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crank: High Voltage

I "crank" wait for Crank: High Voltage! Crank, starring Jason Statham, was a non-stop action filled jizz explosion, written and directed by Hobart College alumn Somebody Somethingface. I can only imagine Crank: High Voltage will be even better. You could say I'm pretty "cranked" for it!
What I don't get, though, are the haters who think Jason Station "crank" act. I think that's recrankulous. To these cranktankerous crankmudgeons I say, if you crank have fun watching James Station and Amy Smith, you're crankzy!
(In theaters April 17!!!)


  1. i just cranked up in my cube reading this.

  2. I usually go to the bathroom to do that, but I guess your work environment is a little more laid back huh Lauren.

  3. i like these jokes guys. i like them a lot.

  4. Peter, her name is Amy SMART, something you wouldn't know about because you OBVIOUSLY can't spell.

    What do YOU know about jokes?
