Thursday, March 18, 2010

name of wine predicament

sooooo I am getting ready to bottle two of rieslings here. One is sweet and the other is a semi-sweet. I have to develop a label for each of them so that its clear to customers which one is sweeter and which isn't...what I can't decide is if I should put Sweet Riesling right on the front of the label or if that sounds tacky. My boss wants me to call it a "Dolce" Riesling...because we're an italian winery but I think it sounds awful. any suggestions???

ps. the weather is awesome here! hope you are all enjoying the sunshine...taj mahal is coming here in may...flaming lips will be here in april and further is touring here in the summer too i think june or july...and also, we have the grassroots festival in july which is going to be awesome....just throwing out some bones...maybe someone will bite


  1. i actually don't think just putting 'sweet riesling' would be bad...and i'm not even put off by 'dolce riesling' either. what does the label look like? i can imagine the 'sweet riesling' label looking cute if it's sort of a simple and modern label. very self explanatory. haha.

  2. how about call sweet mcgeet the nice reis from genevete

    its a great name

    actually you can't use it, i just trademarked it

    also im definitely scheming a geneva trip this summer

  3. that's an interesting question because whether you choose one or the other will deeply affect the regions association to our world and beyond for generations to come...that being said, if you don't choose sweet riesling, bombs will be dropped.

    A bluegrass fest in July sounds bad-freakin-ass.

    I love biting bones. not in a weird way though.
