Melanie (On the Left) lives in New York City, and her main defining feature, personality wise, is that she is Peter's girlfriend, as evidenced by this picture, in which she is obviously totally interested in what he is saying and doing. Seriously though Mel hails from New Jersey originally, and her interests include such things as the fine artz (she can use paints and stuff), fashion, music, and pop culture. If we are lucky she will write about some of that stuff. But it's possible she'll just talk about Peter. There is a chance I will get yelled at for writing so much about Peter in Melanie's blurb. Anyway like the rest of these people I'll let her introduce herself when she sees fit, and until then you can just look at her picture and think about how much cred that flannel gives her.
Jonah lives in Brooklyn, and is less unemployed then the rest of these people, in that he is seasonally unemployed instead of full-time. When he's not busy not working, he works as a Tour Guide for his family's business, and knows more about New York City and Brooklyn than a book (Provided that book is not about New York City or Brooklyn). He lives with family, and also Peter, I'm pretty sure. His interests include live music and happenings in general, video games, film, and travel. He's been to Hong Kong and Vietnam, and he is like best friends with Ang Lee. He's gonna write about I don't even know what. I'm tired of guessing what people are going to write about.
This is another Matt, who I'm gonna call Matt K. because the other Matt joined first. But in this blurb I'm just gonna call him Matt. He is from outside Pittsburgh, PA, but is also somehow from Japan. And he is dead set on going back there, probably through one of the "teach english in japan" programs. If for some reason that doesn't work out, he's gonna hijack a cruise ship a la Speed 2: Cruise Control and just drive it over there. His interests include Japanese Studies, Photography, Music (especially heavy stuff), and being a Vegan. Maybe he'll post some sweet Vegan recipes to compete with the other Matt's meat-filled recipes? Matt Vs. Matt Cuisine Battle? Real Life Boogaloo Iron Chef? More like needs to take an Iron Supplement chef.... I needed to give Matt a hard time about being a vegan in this small block of text. (Also he's unemployed)
Nick lives in Maryland right outside of DC with his family. He hates the internet with a fiery passion, but also loves the internet with a secret desire. He is a man of fiery passions and secret desires, and he is also the third member of The Children & The Animals with James and I. He spent the summer right after college up here in Vermont working on a farm, and is currently trying to get back to working on a farm. Or any job that fits in with his desires and pays money. In the meantime he is sticking to a strict regimen of playing guitar for 23 hours a day and reading the bible for the remaining 1. (Really he's studying for the GRE's and thinking about the future.) His interests include guitar, literature (especially russian literature), sauces, and sustainable development. He may write about any of those topics, but like I don't know. Personally I'm hoping for sauces.
So now the team is filled out a bit more. I don't know why Melanie's picture is smaller, but I do know that the reason is not that she is in any way less than Matt K., Jonah, or Nick. How dare you think that, internet people? Maybe I'll make a "who is the best contributor in the expansion pack" poll. Maybe not - I never know what I'm gonna do. That basically sums up my life.
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