Let me introduce you to us, so that you can really relate to us. really.
Matt Nye lives outside Boston with our friend Collin and a ferret named Dewey. I think they live in a condo, but I've never been so I don't really know. Collin works as a scientist somewhere. Maybe we'll add a science section and he'll join. Or a skateboarding section. Anyway, Matt is currently between opportunities, and is highly employable. He enjoys skiing, comic books, video games about zombies, fine beers, and sweet, sweet, delicious food - which is what he told me he wants to write about. I am totally excited about that, because the things he cooks are usually largely meat-based and delicious. Maybe he'll post recipes, or just pictures of his food, or just talk about how good it was and we can't have any.
Lauren (on the right yo) lives in the DC metro area, and works for a medical journal. I'm not clear on the details, but she is planning some major convention and it is a big deal. Probably she won't write about that here, but maybe she will. Lauren is the person who taught me that gossip is fun, and for that I owe her big time. She told me she wants to use the site to talk about life in DC, and maybe let some people from her area put up their own thoughts. Also maybe favor us with her favorite Craigslist Missed Connections of the week. Her interests include doing art, being free, being real, and being really real. And she totally watches Oprah.
James lives in New Jersey and works for a Financial Firm in NYC. He does the whole thing, commutes and everything. I am happy to say I understand his job least of all, but I have total confidence that he is currently doing it more correctly than anyone else currently in America, today. He plays the drums, and along with Nick (The Guy in the Picture with Lauren) we have a band called The Children & The Animals. We just recorded an E.P. in James's home studio, and it's sweet. His interests include drumming and music production, video games, action sports, economics, travel, and photography. He went on a trip to South America after graduation and the pictures he took down there are awesome, maybe he'll put up some of his favorites. Anyway he's expressed an interest in posting photos, I don't know of what, but he's a really good photographer, so they'll be good.
Peter lives in Brooklyn with our friend Jonah, and is the first person I told about this blog idea. If he had told me it was stupid I probably wouldn't have done it. He is also between opportunities, like Matt, but recently had a job doing something in an office. He was also the hardest to find a picture of, because he doesn't use facebook. He's a man making a stand. His interests include comics, books, music, etc. Basically art. Maybe he'll write about that. He also writes fiction so maybe he'll do some of that. He is also into craft-brewed beer, so maybe he'll talk some stuff he's been into lately. I really have no idea. I don't even know what I'm going to write about.
And that leaves me, Andrew. I moved home right after school but then I got a job in Montpelier, the capitol of Vermont, and that's where I live now. I am serving with Americorps and basically work with middle school kids all day. I came up with this idea, so if we get rich and famous from it, I better be the richest and most famous. I crack myself up. My interests include music, writing, reading, and being weird. Like I said, I don't know what I'm gonna write about here, but I feel like doing something, and this is something to do.
I think the others will wanna introduce themselves in their own way. At least, I hope they do. Until then, take it easy.
keep at it, team!