Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Game 7!

Not saying that the Pens WILL win (god knows they seem to miraculously fall apart when they play in Detroit), but god damn it feels good not to have repeated last year. Here's to the Pens taking the cup, and Pittsburgh in its entirety being hungover for a week when that happens.

Oh, and if for some reason you want to come to Pittsburgh to watch the game, I'm throwing a party friday night for it


  1. Yeah Matt I am definitely pulling for the Pens, but I am worried. Fluery seems to fall apart when he is not at home. Also, Crosby is going to have play like he is one of the best 5 players in the league (he only has really in one game). The Pens will also have to have a defense stand like they did in game 6.

    With that said GO PENS!

  2. Their defense is the key, and, like I've said before, Fluery is the weakest link. He needs to stop running after saves he can make standing still, and, more than anything, stay in the fucking net. I'm worried not about the Pens' game in general, but about their incredible ability to deconstruct themselves into a Jr. varsity HS team when playing on Detroit ice. They've got game, no doubt about that, but if they want to make it to the cup, they've got to get their shit together and, I hate to say it, quit being scared of playing in Detroit - that's what it comes down to: they need to quit playing like a team that's going against a team that has, tried and true, proved to a phenomenal stopping power, and play like they're there to bring home the cup, play like they played DC and realize, despite the opposing team's strengths, we've got the shit to show... and we better.

  3. And I love seeing Kennedy get his game on. If we land a short handed goal, I hope its him again.

  4. And I say that if we end up with a 2 point deficit at any point in the game, we pull Fleury and put in our 2nd string.
