Saturday, June 6, 2009

Google Reader

So most of you jerks are on The Mail By Google. Good, that's the first step. But by now you're all old enough to take the plunge into the bone-melting world of laziness that is Google Reader: the perfect application for the individual too busy and overworked to type a different URL for every site. Subscribe to a site on Google Reader, check for updates every day, and watch as you go from bright young adult to internet hermit. It's like Facebook, except you read updates about websites and not friends and also the websites don't know you or care about you.

But so OK confession: I'm asking you people to start using Google Reader as a favor. I'm on that shit all of my idiotic day, and I've somehow fallen in with a Weird Crowd. By sharing with three of my friends who went to Brown, I have found myself suddenly in a Brown-dominated sharing community, populated by people I half know who abuse phrases such as "Epic Fail" and "FTW."

Not that I don't appreciate the Browners for bringing a touch of science-oriented light into my eLife, but I'm in serious need of some obnoxious banter from morons I know all too well. Collin's already taken the plunge, y'all should follow suit. Share with me, idiots!

*~*Love, Peter*~*


  1. i second this motion. i share from a very limited pool of websites but they are all quite funny and i bet all ya'll would benefit from reading the nonsense i put up...i also want more google reader friends.

  2. So, is this what hipsters in new york are doing these days? "g-gg-gg-ooogle rr-r-r-reeadderr"? Count me out!

    Matt Ketchum. Oh SNAP. Penguins are going to game seven and I must say I am surprised. Good for yall though. Its gonna be an exciting game for sure.
