Thursday, May 21, 2009

I hate boner commercials

Seriously, I see a Cialis or Viagra or Kapow or whatever the fuck other names there are for get-your-old-dick-up pills way too fucking often.

I also realize that I deal with disgruntled co-workers, bat-shit insane ex girlfriends, and suicidal friends on an all too frequent basis. And I'm talking serious suicide risk, the likes of which even his mother doesn't think she can fully and sufficiently take on. I'm really at wits' end on that one.

Oh but on a high note I got to drink beers with one of my favorite ultra-heavy metal bands, Sourvein, last night for a few hours after they played. One-on-one style, too! Totally sweet, got to hear some pretty cool stories, one involving Church of MIsery and mushrooms.

And finally, Pens are 2-0, and Malkin's a goal-scoring demon - did you see that spin shot???

1 comment:

  1. hell yeah funny post...hard on ads are f'ing annoying!!!
