Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This are getting weird

So the position is open. Although apparently now it is not on Chichijima, but Hahajima, an island very close by to the Chich. What is weird about this is that the island has not 2000 people like Chichijima, but rather 300. IT IS ~21km IN AREA. It also has great snails(?). Oh boy...


  1. Sounds like they're playing a practical joke. *hahajima* But seriously. How does this change things? 2 hours further ferry ride is negligible at this point. But 500 people vs 2000 is significant. Where as one island is the population of The Colleges, the other is the size of your highschool? Middleschool? The climate should be the same but the wildlife might be different if that was a big draw for you. Also, is it possible to take a boat to Iwo Jima and fly to Tokyo from there? Or is that unavailable for civilians?

  2. 300 people seems miserable to me but with that being said...if the moderately solitary, one-with-nature, life-changing, tread where no man hath tread before thing is what you're looking for, it seems that you've found it. a year goes by really fast, especially if you're happy with what you're just decide already...this suspense is killing me, haha.

  3.'re eating fish now?!

    Dude i would go a little nutso living on an island in the pacific with 300 people. I love exploring and all but how quick would you run out of new things there? What's the sq. km?

  4. yeah this could either be totally awesome or like the worst thing ever. how long is it for, a year? a year really isn't that long, and even if it sucks it will definitely be an experience that you'll never forget. in your position? i'd go for it, but thats just me. let me know when you're gonna be in boston/nyc, i'll do my best to come to new york if you end up there but i'm super poor at the moment thanks to signing the lease on a new apartment with deirdra.
