Monday, November 22, 2010

Go to Holland with Me

You may have noted this is also posted on facebook. This year's Roadburn Festival (the mecca of underground music festivals) is being curated by the almighty Sunn. Tickets go on sale in 4 days. Last year they sold out in like 12 minutes. Provided I can a.) land a ticket and b.) find someone to go with, total costs for me (coming from Japan) are:

Tickets - 175 euros, or ~$240
Camp ground - 72.50 euros, or ~$100
My plane ticket - ~95000 yen, or ~$1,138

What a great way to catch up with The One Stuck In The Land Of The Sun!

Everything in the range of heavy psychedelia/krautrock/drone/black metal/experimental jazz/avant-garde/doom metal will be present and blowing your ears off. The whole thing lasts from April 14 to april 18 '11.


Go! Go! Go!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

And If You Don't Like That...'s Sir Richard Bishop, of the Sun City Girls, playing some uber-rad neo-classical acoustic guitar.


Kvlt (adj.) - A purposeful misspelling of the word "cult" by fans of the metal sub-genre known as "black metal." Meant to evoke images of the occult, or divine, though outside of contemporary religious means. Note that only "true black metal" is subject to such a term....

So ya'll'er bitches... Andrew, maybe Peter (?), and (according to Andrew) a non-follower of this blog who goes by the code-name of "Ally" understand that this hyper-fast, ultra-abrasive, mega-lo-fi, totally misanthropic, incredibly philosophically-informed, and typically outstandingly anti-christianity genre of music is a super-viable candidate in the "music that makes me say, 'what the fuck?' when I listen to it" category. I'm willing to bet none of you will like this, but that's the exact reason why I'm posting this - it'll blow yr mind. So check out what picking single notes really, really quickly while accompanied by very fast, off-beat-based drums will do for you...

This is the one-man (typical) black metal band from Brazil called... SOVEREIGN

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is Important

You guys, the Plenaliens or whatever are gonna eat us and the Pope is gonna be all like "SHIT YEAH" while partying down with the Nazi SS while some giant space EMP from the Draconians rapes the Earth's electronic systems all the way down to the core. AND ITS BECAUSE OF OBAMA. Thank god there are brave intergalactic informants such as this.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ali Baba's Magical Website

So I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I need 5000 of something, and I need it directly from China. In the old days this was a major headache, with all the long distance calls, negotiations and headaches. Luckily, I've discovered a website that caters to my need for large quantities of low quality consumer products. Like these awesome off brand Jordans:

A real steal at $5 a pair, and with a maximum supply capacity of a 1000 pairs a week I have the peace of mind of knowing I'll never run out.

Or these headphones:

Only $3 each, though with a minimum order of 3000 pairs, I'd need to know a lot of music lovers.

Luckily, I can contact the manufacturer directly to haggle with them via the magic of the internet. There's a whole country full of this stuff, and now, with that stuff can be mine.

Monday, November 1, 2010

New York Pizza

This video about DiFara pizza (but mostly about Demonico DeMarco, who essentially IS DiFara pizza) is a little too long, and may be a little too romantic for someone who has never tried the pizza there, but for those who follow with religious fervor (me), it hits the nail on the head. So if this shit goes right over yours, I'm sorry, but otherwise it may remind you of the respect people have in this world for true beauty.