Friday, July 31, 2009

Well That's That.

Ladies and Gentleman, Children of All Ages,

This is it. Today, in about an hour, I'll have completed my year of Americorps Service. Eleven Months. Ten Thousand Dollars. 1745 hrs. I've worked with over 300 different kids. I've cooked about thirty friday night dinners. I've helped trained three youth workers. I've mediated disputes and yelled at kids. I've stormed out of work. I planted and grew an organic garden. I've washed dishes, mopped, fixed doors, watched about 40 friday night movies, gone bowling, white water rafting, to the mall. I have written 50 or so permission slips. I introduced the kids to the Band and Funkadelic. We've marathoned Planet Earth and the entire first season of Flight of the Conchords.

I've eaten out of dumpsters, at soup kitchens, on the farm, and in the back of a truck. I've had my hot water turned off. I've shaved my head. I've worked 7 days a week. I've worked 3 days a week. I worked every single day for three weeks straight. I've bought or worked for about 400 records. I've partied, played in basements, bars, and family-friendly coffee shops. I've swam in rivers, lakes, and ponds. I built a boat and then sank it. I've recorded two albums.

Now, as I get ready to lock up the boys and girls club for my last time, it's looking at lot like it did when I started. Empty, messy, disorganized. Back to square one.

It's time for Summer Vacation.



  1. hey dude bad news, new york's full. sorry i know u had plans...

  2. congratulations, you survived another year

    at least, thats how ive been feeling lately


    sounds like a fucking crazy first year out of college, man. that's one helluva life, i gotta say. What's summer vacation have in store for you? or is that just another way of saying your coming to brooklyn, cuz man its been a pretty great summer so far, i'd love for you to join along

  4. Congrats dude. I can't believe its already been more than a year since we left Hobart. Wacky, but it seems like things're moving for all of us. Great post.

  5. Yo. This is totally cool. Andrew I've been looking forward to your return to NYC since you left. Yeah, in a gay way. Sounds like your first year in MTV's 'the real worl' has been more fulfilling than mine.

    On another note I think Andrew's post is a great Idea. Do people want to post a VH1, where are they now edition of our year and change outta college? Also I think its really cool that everything in life can be related to a show on a music television chanel.

  6. Andrew it sounds like you did alot of good work, potential scarred some children for life, got to have some great experiences, and lived a life below the poverty line. Way to fufill the AmeriCorps pledge.

    I like James' idea and I also have one of my own. It seems a good deal of people are in NY shity. We could potentially plan our September rendezvous there.

  7. come to celebrate the celebrate the 400 year anniversary of Henry Hudson's discovery of the harbor!

    Hudson officially came into the harbor on September 11th, 1609, so we're gonna party without abandon! Also, Lupe Fiasco is playing at the Water Taxi Beach on Governors Island, so look out for the "Fiasco on 9/11" signs!!!

  8. Are there really going to be signs that say that?

  9. No, James. God! That would be so inconsiderate...what do you think this thing is run by? people like me?

  10. well played andrew. welcome to the club

  11. i want to do the thing james said

  12. Did you really eat out of a dumpster, andrew?

    Also, I think a mandatory "Where are They Now?" post would be sweet. Someone else start...

  13. i like this. and you. g chat me.
