Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Zest of Life

As you all know, it's been a weird couple of months for me. I came across this video I took over the summer, the weekend after MJ died. It shows the kind of weirdness that makes life awesome, and I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did/do.


  1. oh man.

    I remember you talking about this last time i saw you and the way you emulated this guy yelling "michael" sounded a lot more like unmanageable trauma, but I see here it's all about the love for the men.

    Best part: turning to the girls doing an actual dance off to the side. They scream. He screams back.


  2. dude, glad you posted this but you left out my favorite part, when he tells you that "[he's] gay" and "[his] sister and brother-in-law don't like [him]"

  3. He wouldn't let me film him talking about being gay, I could have pushed him, but there's only so far you can push a drunk/high dude at 10 in the morning.
