Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So I got the Americorps position in Troy New York working on the Veggie Mobile. It's almost exactly what I'm interested in, mainly, local food and local hunger and poverty issues. The truck drives around the Capital Area (Troy, Albany, Schenectady) selling fresh and local produce to under served low-income residents and assisted living seniors. Everyone I've talked to at the organization sounds really cool, and my direct boss's favorite album is The Kinks "Arthur" which I took as an excellent sign and bodes well for my time there. So, I'm moving to Troy for a year. It's a relief to know what I'm doing and to be able to get out of my house and out on my own again, especially since I'm working on stuff I'm really interested in. Check out their blog, it's kind of out of date but gives a good idea of what they do.



  1. congrats!
    being employed is great, mostly because you have something to do all day.

  2. Yeah, I'm looking forward to working, hopefully they keep me busy enough to forget about the poverty I'll be living in.

  3. Congratulations, nick! When you described that position to me in Dc I was hoping you'd land it. And I think Collin's right, being employed must be awesome because you don't really have the ability to stay up, by yourself, watching seaquest until 2 am and sleep until 2 pm the following day like I just did...

  4. Believe me, most of the time I would rather stay up until 2 am playing video games and sleep until noon than wake up at 5:30 to work a ten hour day. But then I realize I get paid to wake up and do things, and that's pretty cool too.

    On a related note Ketchum I ended up with your copy of FFXII somehow, send me your address and I'll happily mail you that shit. If you haven't already rebought it, as you were considering in earlier posts.
