Thursday, June 4, 2009

Digging Up Bodies for the Mayor

My AmeriCorps year is almost finished and I am no longer in the classroom. The children made some cards, rap songs, and dance moves to say goodbye to me. This week for me is mostly service projects. For instance, yesterday I started some prep work on a community garden for an elementary school (only Nick will know where this is but it is near the Anacostia metro). The first job was to tear down the old garden, which required machetes, chainsaws, and a back hoe. The whole day we kept smelling something that sort of smelled like a wet dog. Well the mayor decided to come to kick off his new garden initiative and hold a press conference.

As the camera guy was setting up he stumbled over something in the ground in the playground. We pushed back the mulch and discovered a dead dog. It must have been there at least three months and the stench was absolutely horrible. The guy refused to film and mayor's aides told us we had to get rid of it. I had to dig up this dead dog and throw it in the back of a van. Later, I was talking to a local resident and he said that it was hit by the car and I thought he said its name was Shotgun. I asked him why they named the dead dog. He replied that the guy's name who buried it was Shotgun. Despite the problems the mayor held his press conference (I am standing in background on local DC TV) and I still smell like dead dog. A pretty typical week for me.


  1. Man Vinnie, this blog post had me in stitches.

  2. they don't understand the terrible things we members have to do. unspeakable acts!

  3. This reminded me of that Wire episode where they get Cheese on tape talking about having to kill his "dog" and then haul him in to question him about murders only to discover that he actually had to kill his pit bull cause it got brutalized in a dog fight. I have $10 that says the dog you found was a pit bull. Am I right Vinnie?

  4. i nominate vince for best new blogger

  5. Nick it was in fact most likely a pitt bull, but it was decomposed enough that a couldn't make a complete identification. I also didn't see much more than the head because the majority of the body was in a burlap sack.

  6. i second that nomination, peter.
